As Associate Professor of English in Professional Writing at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN), I study the impact that technologies and policies have on diverse publics within the contexts of urban development and political discourse.

Picture of Fernando in his office.

I have taught graduate courses on political rhetoric; urban spaces; and comics; and undergraduate courses in grant writing; business writing; and race, gender, and technology; among others. My goal in these courses is to teach students the rhetorical work that documents perform so that they carefully consider how they write, design, edit, and structure the artifacts that they produce—whether they are digital, visual, textual, collaborative, etc.

At UST, I have served as the coordinator for our Academic Development Program, which involves our Intensive Writing courses for first-year students and as interim chair of the English Department.

My research has appeared in journals such as Technical Communication Quarterly, Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Computers and Composition, Technical Communication, Composition Studies, WPA: Writing Program Administration, the WAC Journal, and Pedagogy, as well as in numerous edited collections.